Energy Healer & Medium

Readings and Resources to connect with your deep intuition, spirit guides, and follow your souls calling

Hi! I’m Kelsey, I’m glad you’re here.

Welcome to a space dedicated to energy healing, mediumship, ritual, connection with our loved ones, spirit guides, and the universe.

As an intuitive energy healer, medium, breathwork practitioner, and mother, I felt a deep pull to to the healing space and left a corporate career I knew wasn’t my soul’s calling so I could pursue this work and help people connect with their deep intuition.

After having incredible and life altering experiences connecting with spirit, departed loved ones, and studying energy healing, I knew I had to share this incredible language with others and help people in their healing and seeking.

If you are looking to explore the magic of intuitive energy healing or book a 1:1 session and reading, then you have landed in the right place. I truly believe there are no coincidences, only experiences that show up when we need them to light our path forward.

Check out the resources, guides, and blog if you want to learn more along the way. I’m glad you found your way here!

Book Your One-One Session

Sessions are a blend of Mediumship, Energy Healing, Channeling Messages from Spirit, and guiding you as you tune into your Intuitive Wisdom

Honor Your Energy Needs

Mama Mantras
daily affirmations for the soul

These will be your mantras, the words that make you feel seen, heard, and whole. Use these to start your day, come back to your inner knowing in times you feel strong emotions, or when you need to feel connected.

1:1 Sessions
integrating intuition

Support your healing and go deep into your ‘knowing’ with energy work and intuitive sessions that speak to you and your needs. Checkout the offerings and schedule below.

Energy Healing: Discover, Align, Connect.

Create Your Experience

Be the leader of your story. Envision and create your experience, focusing on planning, energetic and emotional boundary setting, and creating your new rhythm.

Find Guides & Resources

Whether you love a plan, a flexible guide, or being present in the energy of your experience, you can use these guides and resources to help bring your needs to the forefront of your experience.

Set Energetic Boundaries

Setting energetic boundaries lovingly, early, often, and with respect helps release some of the stress associated with being on a growth journey and feeling pressure from those around you to meet their needs.

Support and Love

Help those who love you learn how to best support your healing journey. Once you start learning, aligning, and connecting with the universe and your deep intuitive wisdom, your energy will shift as you see changes in your life.

Follow the blog to immerse yourself in heartfelt stories about signs from the universe, our desire to follow our souls calling, and to add a dose of inspiration to your day.

rooted in love @energyhealingintuitive